My Race for Life: in Memory of Harry Jones
Hey everybody'. I'm sorry it's been so long! It's been a while since I've written anything except pen pal letters, but here goes...
A few days ago, I was asked by my workmate Becca to join her and her mum in running a Race for Life in the name of Cancer Research UK. I have wanted to run the race for such a long time, so it was a complete pleasure when she asked me! In previous years, I haven't had the money to pay for the signing up fee and transport; but now that I'm working, the sign up fee was no problem and Becca is kindly providing transport.
While Becca and her mum have their own reasons for joining the cause, I personally am running in memory of my Gt Grandad, Harry Jones, who passed away in 2013. When told he had cancer, his words were "I knew it would get me in the end" - having a mother and father who both died of the disease, and two brothers. My hope is that people will keep fundraising until cancer can't 'get' anybody anymore.
After signing up for the race on the 22nd May in Chesterfield, I was prompted to make a JustGiving page to help me raise money - the link to which can be found here: My target is £150, and I have about two months to reach it! Every penny goes to Cancer Research.
Please spare what you can by clicking the link to my JustGiving page, and help me do my Grandad proud! Let's beat cancer sooner.
If you are raising money for an important cause, please let me know in the comments and I will try my best to help you in return. Thank you so much.
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